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Saturday, 17 August 2013

Chicken Fajita Pizza

Chicken 325g
Crushed red chili 2tbsp
Orange juice 1/4cup
Pineapple juice ¼ cup
Lemon juice 1tbsp
Salt half tsp
Oregano 1/2tsp
Oil 4tbsp
For dough:
All-purpose flour 3cup
Salt half tsp
Sugar 1/2tsp
Yeast 1tbsp
Egg 1
Mozzarella cheese 400g
Cheddar cheese 200g
Onion (chopped) 1tbsp
Garlic 1/2tsp
Tomatoes 6(chopped)
Tomato paste 4tbsp
Capsicum 1
Marinate chicken with crushed red chili,orange juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice, salt and oregano. Marinate for 1 hour then heat 4tbsp oil in a pan and fry chicken take off after 5 minutes.
For Dough: put yeast and sugar in 1 cup water and set aside to rise. Then put this yeast mixture in flour, add salt and egg also, knead the dough and keep in warm place.
Now roll the dough and set in pizza tray, add some grated cheese and cover the dough for few minutes.
For sauce heat 2tbsp oil in a pan, add chopped onion and garlic paste in it .add chopped tomatoes,tomato paste,2 cups water and salt. Cook for 5 minutes and when water is dry put this sauce on pizza. Then spread chicken, cheese, capsicum. Onion rings, half tsp. oregano and put in pre heated oven
Bake for 20 minutes at 200C.
Serve hot.

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